Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jackson Hole---Elk Refuge

On January 17, 2009. We went to Jackon Hole to the Elk Refuge. Our new family/friends Ericka and Brock McClain went with us too.
We were just sitting at home and thought we would go for a drive. Jackson Hole is about 70 miles Northwest of us. It is a gorgeous drive through a canyon with lots of wildlife. The Elk Refuge houses about 6000 elk during the winter. It was really cool to be able to get that close to the elk. They were huge.
What they do is take you on a sleigh ride through the refuge. It has to be a sleigh because of all of the snow here:)
After the ride we went into town and took our picture at the famous antler arches in the town


Kerry said...

WOW! That looks awesome!

DaynaDouble said...

How cool! Although it looks a little cold :(

Kimi said...

Gotta love the Elk Refuge. We went up there this winter too. I was way more excited about it than the boys were, hehe.